
Saturday, May 24, 2014

A dash of magic

(Image courtesy: Google)

Magic had always been there since the time I could remember. I found it in between the pages of books that I began to read. Unicorns, dragons, fairies, pixies, enchanted woods, goblins, evil queens had always fascinated me. I could spend hours and hours reading and lose count of time. Such was the joy that I found in them.

I can still read fairy tales and not get bored. Cinderella, Sleeping beauty, Snow white and the seven dwarfs, Beauty and the beast, The little mermaid. How can one ever forget those priceless classics? 

Enid Blyton opened doors to magic, which I had not known that existed till then. Flying chairs, secret meeting places, solving mysteries Ah, the fond memories! Childhood would definitely be incomplete if one hasn't visited a few of her books at least. 

And when I grew up from my tweens and into my teens, my all time favorite was Harry Potter. Gryffindor, Hogwarts, Quidditch, Marauder's map are terms that would be familiar with any of the Potter fans. 

Do we really grow up and stop believing in magic altogether? Or are we all so busy pretending that such things do not exist and do not see it even if its right under our noses? Sometimes, to escape the bleak future and drab realities, maybe what we need is to go back. Go back to the time when we believed in Santa Claus and Tooth fairies and a world of magic. Who knows what you might discover! As they say, for magic to come true, you simply need to believe it first.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


  1. This was so beautiful...Magic comes to those who believe in it..

    1. Thanks a lot Enchantress :) Welcome to my blog!

  2. I believe...i so do..Hail enid blyton and j.k.rowling!! they make dreams come true :) enjoyed your post :)

    1. Oh yeah! Life would have been dull without them! Thanks for reading Preethi :)

  3. Athira, so well weaved on magic that you make me wanna believe in magic..for me its Tom Sawyer, Harry Potter and Santa Claus-feel it sad that new age kids hardly believe the magic and they are unaware what the missing. Magic is Aladin and the world of Blyton:)
    Magically WoW post. Thanks for the kind words this m'nin:)

    1. Thanks a lot for your kind words Vishal :) Glad that my post bought happiness to a person's day :) And kids don't know what they are missing out on if they don't read those priceless works!

  4. Magic...nice post... all those authors rekindled the faith....... i've believed in this since childhood however now it goes in my mind by the name of GOD...

  5. Enjoyed reading :) As you say, it's for those who believe!


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