
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Dreams and Hopes

Image courtesy: Google

Little Kevin has always been fascinated with maps and the different places he saw on them ever since the time he could remember. And so, when his parents gifted him an illuminated globe for his fifth birthday, he still remembers how he had jumped in ecstasy at the sheer beauty of the gift. 

He would watch it every night before falling asleep and knew that he would visit all those exotic places, someday. How or when, he had no idea, but it was the fire that had kept him going all those years as he grew up. And today, as the pilot of one of the most famous airlines in the world, he smiled as he lived his childhood dream. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Sid :) Lucky are those who get to live their childhood dreams :)

  2. How lucky Kevin is!
    Beautiful story A :)

  3. Lovely when childhood dreams become reality, Aathira!
    I love the illuminated globe! So cool :)

    1. So true, Anita! Lucky are those who get to make it a reality :) Thank you! Yes, the globe is awesome no? :)

  4. Lovely :) Aathira.. Dreams, hopes are what brings joy and nothing can beat when we they turn into reality :)
    Loved the post.

    1. I agree, Shanx :) Life would be bleak without them. Thank you!

  5. This one flies. *Two thumbs up*. :)

  6. Sweet, the happiness of living one's dream is priceless.


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