
Monday, October 27, 2014

The End

Image courtesy: Google

Your fingers caress me. I close my eyes and forget what's happening around me. All that matters is you and me. Us. Your hands on mine. Lips against lips. Ecstasy. Pain; deep and dull, a physical ache... And then, it's over. Like that, in a moment. Or was it long hours? I forget. No, I don't want to remember. I can feel my body floating. Or maybe, it was my soul.

I open my eyes and see the darkness in yours. The end is short. There shall be no more hurt or betrayal. And finally, I'm at peace. 

P.S. I'm back after a short break as I was back home. Missed you all! 

P.P.S. This was penned on my phone as I was sitting bored to death waiting at someplace :)


  1. Happy Diwali (hope you had an awesome time) Glad to see you back :) (am still enjoying my break ;) )

    1. Thank you Shanx! Happy Diwali to you too :) I'm guilty of not blog hopping as well. Shall visit your blog soon :)

  2. "I open my eyes and see the darkness in yours !" The way you expressed such a deep feeling in such a succinct way is awesome. Loved the way you used the punctuations.

    P.S: Hope you had a great time back home. Missed you too !

    P.P.S: If boredom alone can lead to such a thing, I'm just wondering whether what excitement can lead to. ;)

    1. Thank you, Stranger :) You are always kind (and you sure know how to boost a writer's spirits)! I got a much needed break and it did me a whole lot of good :)

  3. I am still to decipher what truly happened. I am an idiot.

    P.S- Welcome back.

    1. You are no idiot! Could be that I my boredom was so much that it ceased making any sense :D

      On another note, what I meant was that in the end there was death. And a big Thanks!

  4. That is too good to have written on a phone when bored !

  5. I love the use of words but just like Red, I am unclear too as to what happened. Were they making love or was he killing her? Or both?

    I want to know. I want to know.

    1. This is what boredom does, I tell you! :D

      When I wrote it, what I had in mind was that they were making love and then he kills her. But when I read it now, could be that she was making love with death ;) On a slightly more dark side, if you know what I mean.

  6. The end is short. There shall be no more hurt or betrayal. --I wish it was that easy :)

    1. Thank you, Afshan! I wish it was that easy too. But life seldom is :)

  7. The end is mysterious... And lets the readers imagine...

    1. Thank you Satya :) Left it a bit vague on purpose. Glad you got it :)

  8. Ugh... I hate death extending its long, cold fingers into the pristine-ness of love.

    1. When death and love intertwines it makes up for an interesting story, no? Thanks PeeVee!

  9. Beautiful play of words, Athira.


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