
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Flying High #BefikarUmarBhar

I have never made a bucket list though I keep making a mental note of things that I want to do. So, when I saw this contest on Indiblogger, I knew without a doubt that I have to participate. We all dream of doing things that make us happy. Yet, more often than not, we end up toiling for the better part of our lives and by the time we actually make the time and money for it, we are too old and weary to go ahead and fulfill those dreams. None of us wants to go to our graves with regret in our hearts, do we?

Anyway, before it gets too late, these are some of the things on my bucket list. Fingers crossed till they come true!

1. Skydiving - Living in a place like Dubai, this has been on my list for quite some time now. The pictures and videos that I have seen are amazing and the experiences shared by people who have already done this make it sound like once-in-a-lifetime encounter. So, yeah, I'm all for it! I do want to try this out and I'm gathering the courage and resources (money, what else) to take the plunge. 

2. Visiting New York - New York has been my dream destination for a long time. Or more precisely, ever since I became a fan of Sex and the City. What better place on earth than the one which has inspired some of my all time favorite movies like Notting Hill and You've got mail. I want to experience the grey skies and the winter hues. The snow that falls magically on trees for christmas. And yes, I want to sit in a cafe in New York and write!

3. Visiting "The Elephant House" - If you are a walking wikipedia on JK Rowling like me, then The Elephant House would be familiar to you. In case you are not familiar with the name, this is a quaint little cafe in Edinburgh where Rowling spent the early days of penning Harry Potter. The smell of coffee and the gentle buzz of customers while her kid lay sleeping, this woman wrote what would become a worldwide phenomenon. I do hope inspiration strikes for me there! The cafe overlooks Edinburgh Castle. All the more reason to visit Edinburgh and walk the streets that inspired Harry Potter. Harry Potter was, however, conceived while on a train journey that Rowling took. Just saying :)

4. Get a tattoo - A tattoo is something that becomes a part of your life forever. I have been meaning to get one but the thought of pin pricks have me chickening out. I do want to get a tattoo, of something worthwhile on me. I have not yet decided what it is, but I do know that I shall end up with one. 

5. Write a book - Last, but certainly not the least, I have the dream which all of us writers have. Write that book. One can always wish to be the next literary sensation that takes the world by storm (a girl can hope, can't she?) but simply seeing your words on paper and being appreciated by even a few people is sufficient enough for me. And well, who knows, you might end up being the next Rowling after all! 

This post is written for Indiblogger in association with IDBI Federal Lifesurance Whole Life - Befikar Umar Bhar


  1. good list..but again,i cudnt submit my entry properly..the site crashed...!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, the site acts pretty weird as a lot of entries go in! I had to refresh a couple of times before being able to submit mine.

  2. I dont want to risk all this fat through skydiving.I have been to NewYork :D
    I too want a tattooo!

  3. The posh New York is beautiful no doubt but the Real New York is when it is rains!!! Its something totally different all together!
    I hope you do visit that :)

  4. Ah nice. All the best with your list.
    I have a bucket list too. ..but I fear blogger might run out of space! ;)

    Let's dare to dream and make our dreams come true...

    1. Thanks Pri :) I have a lot more items to put up there as well. Maybe some other day :)

  5. skydiving is in my list too.
    Didn't know about Elephant house ... hope you too get many super successfull ideas there :)

    1. Thanks Raj! It's not the ideas that I'm going there for. Just to visit the place that was Rowling's muse :)

  6. Nice list. sky diving sounds adventurous!good luck with your dreams. It feels great to share bucket lists :)

    1. Thanks Vidya! Yup, I loved reading a lot of creative bucket lists.

  7. Tattoo looks painful...
    Skydive and New York - I would love too...
    And book - All the best dearieeeeeee :)

    1. Thanks Satya! The pain is what scares me too regarding the tattoo :D

  8. May you achieve everything mentioned in your list :-)

  9. Great list! I went skydiving last year and it was amazing. I would definitely do it again. Come by and check out my blog, if you like it I would love it if you followed me.

    xo Andrea

    1. Thanks Andrea! I'm heading over to your blog right away.

  10. The last thing I want to get is a tattoo ! And sky diving? Not even if someone pushes me off a plane ! Visiting New York.. mm... not on the top five places I want to visit and writing a book...nope. :-(
    You are really a brave, creative girl, unlike me .. :-)

    1. Thanks so much, Anita. I don't know if this list makes me brave. But I like to think I'm :D I'm sure you have some wonderful things on your list :)

  11. Here's hoping you'll be able to check all these before the year ends at least.

    1. Thank you! If not by the end of the year then at least sometime in the near future :)


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