
Friday, February 13, 2015

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: I had bought this book quite sometime back and finally picked it up last week. Contrary to the belief that read it before you see it, I read the book after I saw the movie which was around two years back. I do remember enjoying the movie and the book fairly lived up to the hype surrounding it.

The Hunger Games is the first book in the trilogy and narrates the story in the first person by its protagonist, Katniss Everdeen. This is a dystopian novel set in a nation called Panem where two contestants, one boy and one girl between the ages of 12 and 18, from 12 districts compete against each other in the Hunger Games each year. The games are deadly and only one survivor emerges as the winner. 

The story is basically a sci-fi novel as it happens somewhere in the future. This is young adult novel and reminded me a lot of Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Now, that was one scary book. I felt the concept was inspired around the same story lines. A life where children turn into savages in a bid to outlive the others in a field where there are seldom any sort of rules other than staying alive. 

I felt that the book was an okay read. I enjoyed it in a lot of places, whereas felt my attention waning in some other places. I liked the characters of Katniss and Peeta, the other contestant from District 12. Gale's character was also quite interesting though he did not have much of a story in this book. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the trilogy and a lot more of my questions shall be answered there including the love triangle. I felt the book a bit too long for my liking. Or maybe I'm just getting too old for this kind of stuff. Either ways, read it if you are into sci-fi or YA novels. 


  1. Catching Fire is the best in this series according to me. I was shocked with the climax :D

    1. Really? I'm yet to read it. Shall do so soon.

  2. I haven't read this one. nor any other book in the series. :(

    1. You are not missing out on anything big. Trust me.

  3. I find it quite over rated :-/


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