
Thursday, November 12, 2015

It's Birthday Time!

No, today is not my birthday in case you were wondering. Neither is it my blog's birthday. But yes, Bewitched by Words is turning four in a few days time. On 20th November, to be precise. But since I won't be able to post here then, I thought of wishing my blog a tad early. Happy birthday, my dearest blog! You are turning four soon and I'm as proud as a Mom showing you off to the world :) 

We have come a long way together; the highs and lows, the little things and the big stuff. You have been there with me to share my happiness and also when I was going through major shit in life. So, thanks, for just being there for me. Thank you, my readers. For having faith in me when I didn't myself. For nurturing the writer in me. To the friends I have made on this journey and to the few who have left because what I write here was just not to your liking. To each and everyone of you, thank you! I shall continue to write in all that I believe in, no matter what. 

I have been falling out on the writing front lately. No matter how hard I try, I feel all that I write have been going down the drain. I have some personal stuff going on in life too and I don't want all my negativity being festered here. Yes, I'm doing okay but let's just say I have seen better days. So, I'm thinking of taking a break. Sure, I will continue to write here, this space will never cease to exist, it's way too precious to me for that. I intend on completing 'The Memory Box', a series that I started writing a while back. The first part has been posted and I shall write the rest sometime soon. I don't want it to be half baked and rushed, so I shall complete it giving it my best in my time.

I shall continue to write, just not sure if I shall be publishing it here. Like I said, don't want my blog turning too dark. So, wish me luck and hopefully I shall be back soon with a fresher mind and a lot more of better stories and poems that are bubbling inside me. And once again, Happy birthday, Bewitched by Words! Thank you for making me who I'm today :) 


  1. Good Luck for " memory box " I am sure you'll rock it b

  2. Good luck. Will wait for your writing anxiously till you resume. Take your well deserved break and come back soon, fully recharged.
    Good Luck. God bless you.

    1. Thank you, Mr Parsa! I'm getting back in my own pace.

  3. God Bless ! Come back soon! Happy Birthday to your blog !

  4. All the best, A! See you soon.


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