
Sunday, January 3, 2016



Waking up to the sound of rain rattling against your windows. An old song playing on the radio, making you reminiscent of the memories that always tags along with it. A long conversation with a friend. A walk in the rain with that someone special, hands clasped under an umbrella, getting drenched all the same but your heart soaring with each step. 

That lightness in your heart when you think of nothing but watching the pouring rain outside while sipping a cup of piping hot coffee. Two sugars, just the way you like it.

A text message when you least expect it. An old love making their way into your heart and you smile because it no longer hurts, it was just a beautiful lesson learned. Reading a book that came to you at just the right time. Re-reading an old favorite when you want to shut out the world and get lost in an alternative reality. Words heal. Always.

A long night drive, with no particular destination and just your favorite music for company. Star gazing. Writing a verse of poetry after ages and loving the flow of words from your fingertips. An unexpected kiss. Stumbling across an old e-mail. Poetry touching your very soul. And love, always love. With the one, with life, with the beauty all around. 

Today is one such day. That makes me want to believe in the little things. Signs that pop up just when you need it the most. Life is not all bleak, there is love and beauty all around. You just need to look harder and believe in yourself. 


  1. Nice one Aathira. Prompted me to be on the look out of such signs. :)

  2. A day of reflections is always good for the soul. Great thoughts and perspective, thank you for sharing!

  3. So beautifully written Aathira! It is these little things that make life wonderful!

  4. Rain and Poetry go together ? Looks like that ! And then Aathira can weave magic with her words into the Rain and Poetry. That is what you did, Aathira. Good. Nice piece.

    1. It always does :) Thanks so much for your kind words as always, Mr Parsa!

  5. This is so beautiful. I don't have words to describe what I feel. Aathira, this is top class. I want to lie on the terrace and gaze at the stars. I long to get drenched in the rain again. Today is not such a day for me. But today for some reason, I long for such a day.

    1. Thanks so so much, Chetta. Means a lot coming from you. We all long for such days. I do hope you get such a day soon :)

  6. Happiness and love in the simplest of things. :) How true.

  7. blessed are those who can find delight in little things

  8. This is very true, each line. Only if we could stop complaining and appreciate the signs.


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