
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

K - Kiara

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I scribble few lines in my notebook. Scratch out the words that look so out of place in those pages soon after. When it comes to you, I seem to run out of words. How do I describe the way you make me feel? I can write that your smile reminds me of summer rain or that your hands traces maps on mine or the way your skin tastes like sea breeze. But nothing I write will do justice to the way you make me feel. What is a writer to do when this happens? 

You had asked me long back what it was about you that I fell in love with. Today, my darling, I can say that you are the only one that I could never capture perfectly on paper. It's the first time that the ink from my pen failed to match the images imprinted inside my head. And somehow, it doesn't bother me one bit. You remain locked up inside me, my very own secret. A writer's selfishness or a lover's possessiveness? Maybe a bit of both...

Linking this post to the A to Z Challenge


  1. Like when reality is far better than the most beautiful dream :)

  2. A dream come true! I always think true love is this indescribable feeling, all else you can tag with words! So beautifully romantic!
    @KalaRavi16 from

    1. Thanks a lot, Kala <3 Somethings can't be described :)

  3. Beautiful words but quite frankly how does it fit with your theme?

    1. Thanks. If one hasn't experienced that kind of love, what can I say?

  4. We women are a little possessive about our men. We don't want the world to see them, the way we do. Nice one :)

  5. Too much of love is always a bliss but it comes with its own quirkiness!
    I liked the emotions that you penned!


  6. Wonderful Aathira! You weave magic with your words. Loved the emotions in this post.

  7. The best feelings in the world are always the ones we cannot express in words. Like they say, some things are better left unsaid.

  8. The best feelings in the world are always the ones we cannot express in words. Like they say, some things are better left unsaid.

  9. Perfect description of how true Love feels for the loved one ! After a long time , Aathira, you are back in your own element. Crisp , emotional and from the bottom of your heart, words flowed. Very good. Keep it up.
    Yeah, unless one has experienced Love in its truest sense, one cannot understand and appreciate the touching expression of the Heart.

    1. Thanks so much, Mr Parsa :) It's good to see you back here!

  10. Aha! It's such a beautiful one written expressing dilemma faced by the mind. A good read:)

  11. So beautifully written ! We all have that one person whom we can never quite accurately capture through words :)


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