
Friday, April 15, 2016

M - Mikaela

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You have 10 new notifications. 

The message popped up on her phone screen first thing in the morning. A few likes and comments on her recent picture. After checking and replying to it, she scrolled through her home page and it was soon filled with updates from the various people on her friends list. An old classmate had gotten married and she proudly showed off her marriage pictures. She clicked a like. They had hardly exchanged two words since connecting on social media, but wouldn't it be rude not to even like the picture?

She scrolled down again. A colleague had given birth and the update showed a beaming mother with her hands around a tiny bundle. Again, a like. Scrolling down, more happy pictures. She felt the familiar sense of dissatisfaction creeping upon her. What was she even doing with her life when all around her people seemed to be living their dream lives? She hated herself for thinking the way she did. 

She went to the settings tab on her profile and clicked on the deactivate profile option. Confirm deactivation of account? 

Was she sure? No, she wasn't sure. Social media had helped her in connecting with some of her good friends and keeping in touch with them, it had also given her a voice when she wanted to be heard. But more often than not, her voice got drowned in millions of others and it turned into a disturbing noise, nothing more. She clicked on no and went back to the home screen on her phone and uninstalled the little blue icon there. She was done. And now, maybe she can carry on. Or she could at least try. 

Linking this post to the A to Z Challenge.


  1. It happens with everyone. And it's never what is shown. it's always beyond that! Specially social media. The grass always looks greener on the other side. There is so much more than just a few pictures shared on the web!
    You've just hit the right button Aathira :)


    1. True. Life is more than what is shared on social media. Thank you :)

  2. that's a good step. A few of my friends have limited their use of FB as well. It helps to filter out a lot of unwanted thoughts that might creep in.

    A Whimsical Medley
    Twinkle Eyed Traveller

    1. That's a wise decision I say. It helps keep us in check.

  3. I personally hate social media and use it only to promote my blog

  4. As of now I hardly use social media for anything but blogging. There was a time when I was quite active but a lot of times there were things that I got to know through social media which I did not like. The only other thing apart from blogging is the 100 happy days challenge that I am now taking.
    Nicely written piece Aathira.

    1. I hear you. I have been feeling the same myself. Most often than not, it is negativity which I see being spread and pulling each other down. Thanks Reema.

  5. We have all been there, I believe. Social media is a boon and a curse at the same time. The point is rightly put across. ABove all, I loved your writing. Short, crisp and profound.

    1. So I'm not alone in my thinking :) Thanks, Maliny! And welcome to my blog.

  6. Yes, we all need the Social Media to satisfy our ego ! A human being is after all a Social Animal. However much we may dislike the Social Networking sites, secretly we wish to see Likes of what we say or how we look like ! Normal human Ego satisfaction. Perfectly normal.

    1. You said it. We can pretend all we want, but in the end it simply comes down to satisfying our egos. The one way to avoid that is to cut down on our social media time I think.

  7. It could easily have been me in the post !


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