
Friday, April 22, 2016

S - Sasha

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Sasha took a deep drag from the cigarette dangling on her fingertips, inhaling it in, feeling the smoke fill her lungs. Though she called herself the occasional smoker, the need to burn through a packet per day had turned into the norm. 

She liked to blame it on the stress that was eating her up. The constantly criticizing boss at work. The back stabbing friend. The ex who still gave her nightmares. So many reasons. One more toxic than the other. It was funny how it was easier to blame others than own it up herself. 

Life sucked for her, that was how she felt. There would always be one thing or the other going on and she would feel the tingle start to creep up on her and her fingers would involuntarily reach for the pack that she kept on her work desk. 

She raised enough eyebrows as it is with the bold colors she wore and her don't-care attitude. But this time, today, she knew was different. This time, she would try genuinely, for herself. Sometimes, the only person that would stick by your side through it all is yourself. And sometimes, that was enough. 

Linking this post to the A to Z Challenge.


  1. Well written Aathira. Learning to put the self before others is always for the best. I loved the positivity of this one! :)

  2. Love the last line, Aathira. Dropping by after a long time and I see you're still churning out amazing posts. :)

    1. Means a lot. Thank you, Vinodini! Lovely to see you back :)

  3. Love the last line, Aathira. Dropping by after a long time and I see you're still churning out amazing posts. :)

  4. Brilliant characterization Aathira express the pain and angst:)

  5. Hope this time , Sasha pulls herself out of the blame game and does good for her own sake! I love the names you have picked out for each of the alphabets. Each name suits the particular character you are dealing with. The title image all of them!
    @KalaRavi16 from

    1. Thanks a lot, Kala :) The names were selected after much deliberation and searching!

  6. yes, sometimes that's more than enough. Another brilliantly written character.

    A Whimsical Medley
    Twinkle Eyed Traveller


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