
Monday, May 16, 2016

The writer who couldn't write

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Words. They run around on the inside of her skull. Random. Haphazard. The moment she tries to string them together in a pearl necklace of a sentence, they scatter all around. Silently. Some run under her bed, some go into hiding behind her bookshelves. She knows there is no use going hunting, they were stubborn. Much like her. They would reveal themselves only if they felt like it. 

The cursor blinks on the blank screen. She feels claustrophobic, her hands grow clammy, slick with sweat. She shuts down her laptop and tries to drown herself in her books, in the faint hope of finding some form of inspiration. But again, they escape her, the words going above her head. 

Is this the writer's curse, she wonders, that when the muse disappears, along with some memories, her words would betray her as well and leave with him too? Or was it her punishment for loving too much too soon? For now, the only option that she has in order to make a semblance of her life is to go back to where it all started. To go back home...


  1. A splendid write up, and its very vivid. Warm greetings to you.

  2. Beautifully expressed, Aathira!Lovely play of words. :)

  3. A writer's curse so beautifully expressed!

  4. and the words did come back to her :)

  5. Bewitched by your writing style. It's so vivid and beautiful! Love this post <3

  6. This has to be me too. All the time!

    1. All of us reach that place at some point or the other, I guess!

  7. This has been me for the past few weeks. The April A to Z squeezed out everything from me this year!

    Slowly I'm trying to find my muse now. Very slowly.

  8. This is me since year 2016 started! Lovely write up!

  9. Lovely play of words, Aathira! Loved it!

  10. Beautiful. Loved the way you expressed this...sometimes it takes quite a while for the smoke to clear out.

    Hey, I've nominated you for the Liebster Award in my blog. Feel free to come have a look and accept it as you wish. :)


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