
Sunday, June 29, 2014

A deprived chocoholic speaks up

(Images courtesy: Tumblr)

I'm chocolate deprived, like seriously, craving for some chocolate right now. I guess this is how the withdrawal symptoms start for addicts. Now I know what all addicts, be it drug addicts, smokers or alcoholics, go through. It is so hard to stay away from chocolates for a person who has religiously worshiped all sorts of chocolates (the gooey milk chocolate ones especially). Sigh! Never knew it was going to be this hard to stay away from it. 

I have even taken to eating those bitter chocolate ones, as a means of consolation, if there is something like it. Well, as they say, once an addict, always an addict. There will never be a cure for chocoholics, I guess. It's a hard thing to take a resolution but easier is giving into temptations once in a while. Else, you become this horrible monster like person whose head will be filled with tantalizingly drool worthy images such as these. The ones that you are not going to have in a long, long while. 

Hell, I'm getting a high by simply looking at these images. Chocolate, when are we going to meet ever again? I hope you do realize that you are being missed by your ardent worshiper. I used to be one of those people who could eat bars and bars of chocolate and not get fed up. How I miss those days!

Imagine the irony of munching on cucumber sticks instead of those big, thick chocolate bars. Life can be cruel sometimes. I hope the day is not too far away till we meet again, Mr. Chocolate. Not a day or night passes by without your absence being felt. 

I look wistfully at the rows of chocolates and chocolate cakes and brownies when I'm browsing through Supermarkets. Even fingering those shiny wrappers embracing the richness inside is enough to make me misty eyed. The cravings are getting too strong, I hope my resolve doesn't weaken too soon. 

Thinking of you all the time. Till we meet again. And please do not ever think that anyone else can take your place. 

Your ever faithful devotee,



  1. Oh my God! Now I want chocolate! Sigh.

  2. Choco-chip ice cream is my current addiction! I love Mr. chocolate too :D

    1. Don't even remind me of ice creams :( Sigh!

  3. I KNOW THIS FEELING. I lost the battle though. :(

    1. Ha! Trust me, it's easier to give in to the feeling!

  4. You are right! There will never be a cure for chocoholics... Once I brought a packet of 10 dairy milk chocolates to my office, kept it in my desk to eat a piece once in a while when I crave.. thought it would last at least a week.. but I ended up eating all 10 slabs of chocolate before noon the first day itself !!! I couldn't keep my hands or minds off the chocolate... I have stopped storing chocolates since then :)

    1. Oh yes. Storing chocolates is a myth! Never works for me too! Even though hands can be controlled, my mind is a week thing when it comes to chocolate pleasures :(

  5. I want some chocolate right now! So tempted to eat one after reading your post :)

    1. It was so hard not to drool while writing this post! I'm still craving for some :)

  6. you have re-awaken the chocolate worshiper inside me, and these images... i want a chocolate RIGHT NOW !! ;) :P ;)

  7. Chocolates ARE addictive. Even I relish them.

  8. This is so me right now. I'll give you a tip, you check if it works for you. In order to stay away from the temptation, I take care not to go near the section or the counter where they sell chocolates. If I see one, I would have to have it then and there. Never thought refraining from chocolates could be so draining.

    1. That's what I'm trying now, Keirthana. I try to avoid my most favorite section of the supermarket these days!

  9. Okay I might be the only one to say this, but I do not like chocolates. *hangs head in shame*

    I do not mind a piece or two of bitter chocolates, but that's about all that I can handle. No chocolate cakes or spreads for me. By choice.

    Okay, kill me now!

    1. LOL! You are lucky that you don't have to fight your sweet tooth! But then, what's your comfort food? Chocolate and chocolate ice creams are mine ;)

  10. Damn!!! NOOOOOO!!!!
    you can't stay away from chocolate!!! Are you not a human :P
    See it's calling you!!! Its shouting "come back... come back to me" :P
    Go to it! Right now :P

    Why, if I may ask, are you living without chocolate o.O
    Thats being really harsh on yourself :P

    1. Yeah, that's right! Go ahead and rub it in! :D

      I wish I could grab on to the nearest piece of chocolate around me and sink my teeth into the brown richness.

      But wait, I don't keep any at home because my silly heart is too weak to not give in to temptations. So I go back to being what I was - grumpy!

    2. But it seriously is calling you! :-P
      Hahahahaha :-P

    3. Grrrrrrrr... Can I strangle you? Please? :D

  11. hehehe this didnt tempt me at all. blame it on the lack of my sweet tooth or dark/bitter tooth in this case :P

    1. Consider yourself blessed as you don't have to keep fighting your inner voice! But how anyone can resist chocolates is beyond me ;)


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