
Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Only One

Image courtesy: Google

She had no recollection of seeing her mother's face. It was her Dad who had waited for her on the first day of school. It was him she ran to when she skimmed her knees falling down while cycling. Dad had been the one who told her that afternoon, that she was now a young woman, when she thought she was going to die. 

He was the one who had beamed at her from the audience when she graduated. She pretended not to notice the hurt in his eyes when she spent more and more time with her friends. While he pretended not to be bothered by the fact that his daughter was no longer the little girl he knew; she was slowly falling in love. With a guy. With life.

But the day she found out she was pregnant, she dreaded going home. Sam refused to have anything to do with her or the baby. He even questioned whether it was his. 

When Dad had found her lying in a pool of blood in the bathroom at home, she wished with all her heart that she was dead. He had held her in his hands, like he used to when she was a little girl, as she sobbed her heart out at the hospital. 

And today, as she looks across the lawn where her Dad was pushing his five year old granddaughter on the swing as she screamed in laughter, she knew that she had made the right decision. There were no confusions. Not anymore. He would be the Only One in her life who would stick by her side, through thick and thin. 

As the wind carried the sounds of their laughter, she whispered to herself, Thank You, Dad.

This post is written for Day 26 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge for July 2014 and NaBloPoMo


  1. Painful but sweet. Very, very sweet. What it must be like to have someone love you unconditionally like that.

    1. Thanks a lot for being the first to read, PeeVee. Blessed are those who have that kind of love.

  2. A touching story, Aathira..blessed are those who have such people in their lives.

    1. Thank You, Uma! Such people are truly blessed.

  3. Your words brought tears into my eyes. I wonder if we can ever match up to the unconditional love our parents shower on us. They do so much for us without expecting anything from us, they constantly keep thinking about our happiness about our future and we keep neglecting them. They are the ones who can accept us with every fault of ours.
    When we are in difficult situations or when we are very low, the only strength that can make us move ahead and take on the world is the inner strength which comes from the confidence that there is someone who can accept us whether whatever happens, from the confidence that there is someone at our side to support us no matter what happens.

    I wish to see more people around who realise the actual meaning of True and Unconditional Love.

    P.S : “…..when she thought she was going to die.” And “…she knew that she had made the right decision.” You captured the thought process of the girl beautifully in such less number of words.

    P.P.S: I have fallen madly deeply in love with the picture. Just the picture speaks a lot about the baby and the beautiful bond they both share. :) It’s beautiful to see the baby holding him so tightly afraid of the new world she is witnessing.

    1. Thanks so much, Stranger. Your comment has made my entire week. It's sad to see a lot of parents being neglected and abandoned by their children nowadays. Parents are like the rock in our lives when we feel low.

      Yes, the picture was just so beautiful and it was perfect for the story :)

  4. Lovely.. but sometimes life is so painful! And Aathira you brought all those emotions alive in this story :)

    1. Thank you, Reema :) Life is not all highs. Sometimes we need the lows to appreciate the highs in life :)

  5. Such a touching story. Wiped my tears, Aathira...
    Parents are the best!

  6. Such a pure unconditional love. Beautiful :)

  7. I am crying. This is so beautiful. Makes me miss my parents so much.

  8. She's blessed to have such a person as a dad, true that parents are the only ones who will stand by us no matter what.

    1. She is definitely lucky to have a Dad who will stand by her side forever.

  9. Such a beautiful story here. Loved it :)

  10. sad..
    god bless DAD.. for standing by his daughter ..


    1. Yes, such a strong Dad, right? Thanks a lot, B :)


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