
Sunday, September 28, 2014

A Stranger in You

Image courtesy: Google
We met as strangers; a heady combination of my lavender against your woody aftershave. A secret glance, when you thought I was not looking. An amused smile. We were opposites, poles apart from each other. And maybe, that was what drew us together. 

I was a writer, books were my entire life. But you, on the other hand, didn't even glance at a book unless it included Sports Illustrated. 

Never had I dreamt in a million years that I would find myself besotted with someone like you. Six months was all that we got to know about each other. Yet, it felt like six years, the end of which I knew right away that you were the One. 

Years have passed, at times I've felt that I know you like the back of my hand. But there are days when you remain a mystery, eluding me like a stranger. There had been a lot who had thought that it would never work out between the both of us. That there was no way on earth that we could exist together. 

But with each passing day, we proved them wrong. Sure, there are days when I feel like I've totally lost it. Yet, you hang in there with me, patiently. 

And here we are today. As strangers we met, but now the very idea of life seems bleak without you in it. 

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


  1. Striding down the depths with uncertainty, yet fighting the odds and winning it :) A beautiful journey indeed! Strangers that change your life by staying in it :) Mast Aathira!

    1. Thank you, Shanx :) Yes, strangers can become closer than family!

  2. Such a romantic story, Aathira!
    Love such friendly & important strangers! Can identify :)

  3. A touching story Aathira! I always wonder if you (blog) writers base your writing on life, that is, if this is a part of your story. Not that it matters of course. I'm just curious! ;) <3

    1. Thank you, Elly! Frankly speaking, a lot of this post was taken from my life :) But I also write about things that I imagine..

  4. Awwwwww! That's all I could manage to say after reading this :)

  5. Left me with a heady happy feeling :)

  6. This was such a warm post :) Uplifting and happy!

  7. everyone is a stranger until they are not anymore. :D
    This one made me smile.

  8. That's a lovely piece! Being a total sucker for Romance, I loved it totally.
    If it is your own story then please accept my hearty congratulations! I must tell you that the guy is really lucky and you know why ;)
    And If it is just a figment of your imagination then hats off to you (** Getting up and removing my cap :D **)because I still remember the words from one of your older posts-
    “If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” :P ;)

    P.S. As I was reading the initial lines I was grinning all along as I recollected that you have fetish for smelling things :P and how beautifully it got reflected in your writings :).

    1. Thanks so much, Stranger :) As reluctant I am to admit, a lot of it is my life! Of course, I have added on some fictional elements too (like- I was not a writer back then :D)

      And I must applaud you for your wonderful memory! I just went back to that old post of mine :) And the quote was by Toni Morrison! You are the sweetest for taking the time to read and comment in detail like you just did. A big hug for that :)

      Hahaha :D Yes, I do have a fetish for smelling things (You have a brilliant memory, I tell you!)

  9. That's a cute romance that reflected through your writing. I can relate this story to my parents'. They are also opposite but you know opposite attract each other.....:)


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