
Monday, September 1, 2014

Mental detoxification

Image courtesy: Tumblr

There are days when the everyday stress gets on my nerves. Days when I feel like screaming my head off. When nothing ever feels right. Ever. Though those do not happen everyday (Thank God!), I have wished for that special place where I could run away to. With just my thoughts for company. 

I don't know if anyone shares this with me, but there is always a tiny voice inside my head that refuses to keep shut. Even when I'm trying to let my thoughts drift away, willing my mind to just go blank, the Voice starts getting all fidgety and sarcastic (at times). Weird, I know. Even when I'm listening to music, the Voice HAS TO start dissecting it, including the lyrics. 

This has started happening so often that it's the Voice that greets me the moment I open my eyes. Sometimes it's all sweet and nice and other times it's all bitchy and clingy. I hate it and I also love it. The Voice keeps me sane. It helps me come up with things to write about. Be it stories, poetry or simply rantings like these. 

Maybe, that's why every once in a while it would be advisable to get away from all the chaos and ruckus of life and rejuvenate yourself. Not just your body, but your mind needs detoxification as well. And well, for the calmer and powerful minds, there are always things like yoga and meditation. But thanks to the Voice, I find myself unable to concentrate on either of those for more than couple of minutes. 

That is why, like many of you, I find writing down whatever is running around in my mind, therapeutic. Your words may not make much sense to anyone else except you sometimes. But the person for whom you have started writing in the first place is bound to be left happy and satisfied- YOU. Yes, I believe that you will be able to enjoy your writing only when it becomes a burning desire, a desperate need to pen down your thoughts. Without which life would be meaningless. That's the sort of writing that comes from your heart, where you bare a piece of your soul each time. 

When all else seems desolate, when hope ebbs away from life, I cling on to writing like the last straw. No matter where I may fail, I believe that words will never fail me. So much going on in my mind right now, and the Voice refuses to tire down. Tell me, what do you do for mental detoxification? Would love to hear all your thoughts!


  1. I totally relate to you...
    That voice doesn't allow me to meditate too...
    That voice also doesnt let me feel alone...

    And I write as well, for mental detoxification... :P

    1. So glad that you could relate :) So I guess writing shall always work for people who can't either meditate or do yoga ;) Thank you!

  2. Ahh, writers...we are a unique bunch. I write to write and I write to detox as well. The Voice likes to wake me up 3 am because it has something that needs to be said, and if I don't get up at that exact moment, it will pester me until I get up and write it down...then is quiets itself, purrs for a bit, until it gets restless again. Ha Ha. The writing process is an organic one, raw and passionate, honest and true. I wouldn't have it any other way.

    1. I hear you there, Sister! I know exactly how the Voice can get restless unless you chose to listen to what it has to say. A tad annoying, but that's the sort of writing that makes you give your best and reflects through the intensity. The can't-sleep-unless-you-pen-it Voice :) And I wouldn't trade it for the world either.

      Thank you, Penny! A penny for your thoughts too (lame joke?)!

  3. Ah, good question Aathira. For me purging through writing is certainly one way, sometimes a movement mediation - I have a challenge sitting at times unless I am working/writing! - ;) - so dancing can see if it will work for you. Also, a form of energy healing that I learned called 'bars' helps to reduce the monkey mind chatter. ;) <3

    1. Hello, Elly :) Welcome to my blog!

      I have never been much of a dancer. Though I should definitely try out the 'bars' thing that you are talking about. But now I'm not too sure whether I want to get rid of the Voice! Maybe, just calm it for a little bit should work :) Thank you for writing in.

  4. I can relate with this Aathira. Some times the thoughts never stop and nothing can be more therapeutic than writing those thoughts down.

    1. Yes, for me, writing is healing. The only person who can truly help you is yourself. Why bother seeing a shrink when you can get the therapy for free? And a much fun one at that ;)

  5. Ah, now that's worth pondering on Aathira! Sometimes these chaotic thoughts are what lead to disharmony in life. I try to clear mind clutter by listening to some good music, besides writing of course.

    1. Yes, music helps, to a certain extent. And of course, reading too. But then, it's always writing that comes to my rescue :)

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Vinodini :)

  6. I wrote two posts on my blog the month I gave birth to my son. Which is proof enough that writing is therapy ! Good analysis you got here !

    1. Thank you, Anita! I would love to read those two posts of yours :) Nothing beats good old writing when it comes to beating stress.

  7. Yes Aathira, you have rightly said that writing is the best way to lighten the weird thoughts which surround you from all sides.

    1. Thank you, Usha Ma'am :) Only a writer would be able to grasp what I'm feeling.

  8. I do understand this. It probably is the bottled up emotions and feelings inside that come out as part of this voice. Write and let it flow. Oxidize yourself :)


    1. Probably, Soum. Yes, and that's exactly what I have been doing. Just letting the thoughts and words flow. Not knowing if it's making sense, even. Anyways, it sure is doing wonders!


  9. My funniest posts are written when I am insanely sad. Yes! I write the opposite of my emotions. Now that doesnt mean that I am in a constant state of sadness. Just saying. :P
    I wont say that I find writing is to some extent. I resort to eating and watching a good movie. :D

    1. Now that's something I have learnt about you today :) I can't do that. If I'm sad or pissed off, my posts tend to reflect it, as hard as I may try not to. So hats off to you :)

      Eating when I'm stressed is something that I'm trying to avoid. Nothing more like stuffing your mouth with comfort food to beat the stress. But my expanding waist line has been begging me to stop doing that! ;)

  10. Of course! For me that voice is like the other side of me. :) Writing does wonders for me, actually there have been times when my fingers fly over the keyboard when I write about some strongly bottled up emotions.

    1. I hear you, K! Through writing, we reveal that other side of us which very few people get to see :) And words flow more freely when you are particularly feeling intense. Those tend to be some of our best posts :)

  11. Phew! So, I am not alone who keeps hearing these voices for like entire time, at times even after you sleep :D Meditation seems boring and quite impossible (and scary) to me. Leaving all the 'smart' gadgets I go for walk letting the zephyr work its miracle. Oh! And, writing? Isn't it answer to everything? ;)

    1. Heheh.. :D No, you can relax. Meditation has never been my thing either. And yes, writing has all the answers, no matter what the question may be :)

      Thank you, Shanx!


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