
Monday, September 22, 2014

World Gratitude Day

Image courtesy: Tumblr

Like mentioned on Write Tribe here, expressing gratitude should be a daily practice. But since a lot of us are busy running around with our lives, it's nice to have a day to remember all those things and people that you are blessed with, right? So, take a moment and write down all that you are grateful for. 

Here goes my list:

~ I'm grateful for the wonderful people I have in my life. My family and friends, who have always stood by side. 

~ I'm grateful for the little joys that life offers me everyday. Like the smell of baking muffins or a mug of hot coffee. 

~ I'm grateful that I'm gifted with the power of sight. Something that I've always taken for granted. But without eyes, there would be no seeing or reading. 

~ I'm grateful for the gift of writing, no matter how small it may be. Writing is a blessing.

~ I'm grateful that I have the luxury to splurge on things that I want, once in a while. And I'm also thankful that what I own doesn't define me. It never will.

~ I'm grateful for the many many books that I own today. Those are the truly priceless treasures in my life. 

~ I'm grateful for the trust and faith that a lot of people have in me. You are my rock. 

~ I'm grateful to you, my readers. Without your honest feedback and criticism, I would never have come so far. Thank you!

~ I'm grateful that I got the chance to be published. Seeing your name on print is a breathtaking feeling. 

~ And more than ever, I'm grateful for the gift of life. To be alive, breathing and living. 

So, what are you grateful for today? I would love to hear your thoughts! 


  1. And, I was wishing I could read more in the list. Mast list Aathira :) Expressing gratitude should be a daily process indeed but stopping once in a while and specially writing all things down is sure a 'good' feeling :)
    Best Wishes.

    1. Thank you, Shanx :) I was happy when I saw the prompt! It was high time I wrote those things down :)

  2. Wow , What a list this is, Aathira ! I feel being able to feel gratitude itself is a blessing to be grateful..... there are many people who fail to appreciate the good things in life, and live it the bitter way, when they could actually create their own happiness ! Lovely list, and I'm grateful that I read it :)

    1. Thanks so much, Sreeja! I agree, being able to feel gratitude in itself is a blessing :) Glad to see you back! Stay blessed :)

  3. i love the point about "having the means to splurge" , yet knowing it doesn't define you. I used to always fret because I had no cash during my looooooong study years (mbbs, pg) ... and its not a sin to crave for something. As long as we are content once we reach a certain level of comfort and don't then feel bad comparing ourselves with the luxuries of movie stars next :)

    1. Thank you, Doc :) Yes, it feels good to pamper yourself every now and then. Comparing lives with others, as far as I know, only brings along misery. So better to live your life the way that makes you happy!

  4. HEHEH every line made me happy.
    We all should be grateful for every tiny detail that makes our lives so beautiful. We are truly blessed.

    1. Thank you, Red! Great to see you back in full swing after the break :) Hope the flu has gone away completely. Yes, it's often the little things in life that makes it so beautiful. Hugs!

  5. I feel grateful for all these things too,, but have never written about it...I think I should..I loved this !

    1. Thank you, Anita! Yes, it felt really good to write down these things. That's why when I saw the topic on Write Tribe, I went and wrote this straight away. Do try it. I would love to read your list.

  6. There are so many things to be grateful about, but we forget them in the rush of life. It sure is a good feeling to pen these things down :)

    1. Yes, so true, Keirthana. The things that matters the most are always right around us! Thank you :)

  7. What a grand list. After reading the list I have realised how small things are so important in our life. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Usha Ma'am! Writing down this was a reminder to myself :)

  8. Me too... grateful for all those things but take for them granted. Such posts really help us in our dark time :)

    1. Yes, such posts are reminders of how far we have come and how much you have grown as a person. Thank you, Nisha :)


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