
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Nostalgic November

Image courtesy: Google

I have been slacking in my writing and the Voice inside my head has been nagging me non-stop about it. Of course, I can always give excuses or I could shut the hell up and focus on why I haven't been able to do things my way. So yes, I have decided to write more, post more and of course, read more. 

November is a perfect month for many reasons. It gives you the perfect climate. It's pleasant with the subtle hint of hovering winter. In fact, winter's almost here and I just love the cold breeze on my face when I step out. November also calls for a few drizzles which is always a welcome release in a scorching desert. 

So yes, I'm all ready to face November. Fingers crossed, just hoping that it's better than October, which was not so kind. So November, please be good. I have a lot of things to be done this month. Having to prepare for an exam which I have to take in December. Yes, it's a struggle to sit and study when there's nothing more I would like than sit and read and read. But I guess one has to do what has to be done. And choices are not always easy to make.

Also, I have turned into a vegetarian for couple of months at least. I plan on staying a vegetarian for a longer period, just hoping that my resolve doesn't weaken in the meanwhile! Being a hard core carnivore and an ardent egg lover, you can imagine how difficult that feat would be for me. Hmmm, let's focus on the number of chickens that I would be saving. Making the world a better place and all the drama. So, Amen to that. 

Like a few of you had pointed out, the blog title and description were not legible enough. A kind fellow blogger and friend took pity and helped me in setting the right tone that was needed for my header and did a great job. Thanks a bunch, Leo :) Now I know where to run to the next time I face a technical glitch ;)

So, that's it from my end. Shall try and post more often. I so need this in my life. It's strange, the days I go by without writing now results in me feeling all restless and fidgety. So, this is what following your passion feels like :) That rush of happy hormones, the feeling of having the tips of your fingers tingle, that moment when the voices in your head demands to be heard. Today, as I sit and write this, I feel like I have finally arrived. 


  1. looks like you've got a case of anda phobia and blog-o-mania ! Good luck with the test and staying a veg :)

    1. Hahhaha :D Thank you! Hoping that my resolve doesn't weaken any time soon!

  2. I like November too! For the same reasons. And also the vacation that always comes up in December ! The sweet wait to see the loved ones :-)

    1. Yes, November is fall :) And it always makes me think of the upcoming Christmas and the good times ahead!

  3. Good luck for the exam :) I will keep reminding you of egg and chicken often in the next two months ;)

    1. Thank you Leo :) And dare not remind me of the chickens and eggs waiting for me!

      Thanks once more for helping with the header!

  4. good that you have become active again in blogosphere

  5. i also used to eat chicken once upon a time....turned veg years back..believe me,ts nice to be a vegetarian

    1. So I have heard. But I'm still in the initial stages. Which must be why I'm craving it so much!

  6. Happy November, love =)
    Hope it turns out to be a great month and wish you all the very best for your exam!

    I love the new look, and it just suits the Blog so well.
    Credits to Leo :)

    1. Thank you, Dear :) It feels great to see you blogging after a break. How I missed you! Do keep writing more. You are truly gifted.

      Yes, three cheers to Leo!

  7. The header looks lovely :) I specifically love the heart cup with chocolate, I'd used it for my blog badge for the longest time <3
    Why are you turning vegetarian?
    Spin out stories more, that be what I want from you... Happy November!!

    1. Thank you, PeeVee! I do remember seeing a lot of drool worthy images on your blog. But the cookie crumbs are great too :) Turning veg for health reasons. Hoping to stay that way!

      Shall definitely try and spin stories more often :) And a happy November to you too, Love!

  8. happy November :) This month is a delight in many ways. And the blogger is perfect now :) Great work!

    1. Happy November, K! Yes, the month is clearly one of the best :) Thanks so much! Special credit goes to Leo!

  9. Your blog's new look looks awesome... I wish I knew how to bring those pictures in the header :(
    I agree that November has the perfect month...
    and, I have an exam in Dec too... I am lazy :(

    1. Thanks a lot, Satya! Even I had no idea initially about making a header. I downloaded those pictures and made it into a collage. There are a lot of apps that are available online. Do try it out.

      You have an exam too? Good luck to you then!

    2. Thanks A...
      For the info and wishes :)


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