
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Perfect Life

Image courtesy: Google

She had always looked at me in envy; at my perfect life, my successful career, my immaculate clothes. It was never this way, we were the best of friends growing up. 

But the green eyed monster, once it rears its ugly head, is often difficult to get rid of. 

Uncomfortable silence now nestles between us. But what she doesn't know is that behind my seemingly perfect life is a trail of unhappiness, behind my high paying career is a tale of betrayal and the figure hugging clothes that adorn my body hide the scars that are a permanent infliction. 


  1. We never know what someone else's journey has cost them.......and is there such a thing as "the perfect life"?

    1. I agree. Life always looks greener on the other side. Thank you, Lisa!

    2. life is always greener 'with envy' on the other side you mean ? ;)

  2. This is so true for each one of us. We judge people and often desire what they have without knowing what the other person's life is all about. Wonderful narration as usual Aathira :)

    1. Thanks a ton, Vinodini :) We have no right to judge a person and only when we step into their shoes do we realize that our lives was much better in comparison!

  3. Profoud, awesomeness Aathira. Can't help but add this (not on the same lines) You haven't stepped in my shoes and I wish you would never ever (have to) :D (coz I love 'em and I ain't giving them to you ;) Envy all u want :P )

    1. Aww! Thank you, Shanx :) I have read that somewhere I think.

  4. Things are not always the way they seem to be! And we how we judge people and feel jealous without knowing their part of the story. Nice take on the prompt Aathira :)

  5. This so very much reminds me of my best friend with whom I dont talk anymore... She envied my life and thought I have changed!
    Good one!

    1. There are a few people who drift apart due to misunderstandings. Thank you, Satya!

  6. Oh so true Aathira! We envy others but we do not know their true story or stories, the ones they hold onto and hide in their heart. It's not usually as good or as perfect as we think it is. The package on the outside may be deceiving at most. ;) <3

    1. I agree, Elly. A lot of people may be nursing wounds deeper than ours. Thank you!

  7. If not fully, this is a story we see in many a place today. People look at others and think "why can't I have that?" but everyone has their story.

    1. So true, K. Have you read the book 'In her shoes'? There was a movie made based on it as well. A fun read, do read it if you can :) Thanks!

  8. People only see what is visible to their naked eyes. They dont ponder any further. Every success has an inside story.
    I liked this one.
    I hate the term 'green eyed monster'
    I have been called that as a child by bullies since I have green eyes.

    1. Thank you, Red. Yes, it's true. There's always something that doesn't meet the eye.

      I'm sure those kids grew out to be assholes. You are a green eyed beauty!


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