
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Seven-year Itch

Image courtesy: Google

It had started off as small bouts of irritation; a frown here, an exasperated sigh there. But before they knew it, the years of unhappiness and dissatisfaction with each other soon caught up to them. 

Seven years, that was what they had invested into the marriage, nurturing a relationship which was supposed to last forever. 

The tradition was the same on their anniversary night- red wine and candle lit dinner as Beethoven's Moonlight sonata played smoothly in the background. The divorce papers on the table fluttered lightly in the wind; that insatiable itch was soon going to be curbed. 


  1. Every year of torture and tolerance dedicated to each round they took? :D It had to be curbed eventually. When, was only matter of time :)

    1. Of course! Yes, it was only a matter of when. Thank you, Shanx :)

  2. Taking a divorce is better than staying in a rotten marriage, a nice read :)

  3. I wish that they gave one last try..
    I wish they restarted... Because I see that it began happily...
    And anything that has brought happiness will bring happiness forever...

    But, then life is decisions we take and choices we make!

    1. I guess over a period of seven years, they surely must have tried. But not always does it work out. Thanks Satya!

  4. Life is full of ups and downs. We can not predict them. We must take things as they come.In such a case divorce is the best option.

  5. never really understood relationships such as these... how can you hate someone who you loved earlier...

    1. Relationships are never easy, are they?

    2. I beg to differ... If one really wants things to work out in a relationship, then it's fairly easy! :)

  6. It's a sad decision but a must-act-now kind of decision. There is no sense in wasting time when you have pulled the chord already.

  7. Oh dear. Looks like 7 years was the limit for them :( Well written, Athira.

  8. Better to move on...there is just one life.

  9. It's sad when relationships come down to this, but when they do, it's best to let go. :) Nicely written!


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