
Friday, November 21, 2014

Your Words can Make a Difference- Feed A Child

I request you to take a couple of minutes to watch this video before reading my post. It's heart wrenching to watch the journey of a little boy to a plate of food. Yes, it seems impossible to believe that almost everyday, millions of children are forced to choose between hunger and education. 

In a country like India which boasts of metropolitan cities and growing opportunities for its citizens, it is equally disturbing to take note of the statistics of the number of children who are forced to give up education at a very young age itself. But what can we do to help? Even if you can provide for one square meal in the life of a child, it can be considered a blessing. 

Which is why when I saw this initiative- 'Blog to feed a Child' by BlogAdda, I did not think twice. A lot of my fellow bloggers have been blogging about this and hats off to each and every person who have taken the initiative to write about this heart felt topic. Yes, YOU can make a difference.

A huge applause to BlogAdda in taking up this noble cause along with Akshaya Patra. For every blog post that you write, BlogAdda will sponsor meals for an Akshaya Patra beneficiary for an entire year. Be the CHANGE. Let your words make a difference to the world. Help a child. 

I know of a lot of homes where food goes to waste almost daily. I'm a person who hates to waste food. It is disturbing to see the amount of food that we waste, even involuntarily, when a lot of children in villages are forced to forgo even primary education in order to help out their families for just the basic necessities like food. 

There are a lot of Government aided schools back home in my state Kerala, that I know of, where children who can't afford to pay are provided free lunch. It is sad to note that a lot of these kids are sent to schools by their parents just so that they do not go to sleep on an empty stomach. 

I'm urging you to contribute for this in the little ways you can. It can go a long way in eliminating Classroom Hunger. Your words have the power. Write about it. Let others know. Take a few minutes out of your schedule to write a blog post. Make a difference, or even better, be the difference. Let us join hands and help in making the future a little brighter at least for a handful of the children out there. Be the REVOLUTION

I am going to #BlogToFeedAChild with Akshaya Patra and BlogAdda.

P.S. Please click here if you would like to participate. 


  1. Have been seeing this on twitter and wanting to participate. Let me get some time over the weekend for this. It's a really meaningful initiative. Hats off for joining.

    1. Thank you, Keirthana :) I'm looking forward to reading your post!

      P.S. I shall hop onto your blog soon. Been meaning to, like forever! Soon :)

  2. I shall be writing about it soon...
    Thanks for this powerful and thought-provoking post...

    1. Thanks so much, Satya :) It's a great initiative and each post contributes. I'm looking forward to that post of yours :)

  3. Truly a great initiative where people can make a difference by just doing what they like:)

    1. Exactly! Each post changes a child's life :) Definitely something worth writing about, right?

  4. Aathira you have written for a noble cause. Blogadda is doing a great job by donating money for such an endevour.

    1. Thank you so much, Usha Ma'am. Indeed, hats off to BlogAdda!

  5. That's great that you joined the initiative Aathira, though I think they also recommend that you make one suggestion in your post. So you may wish to add that by editing it. ;) <3

    1. Thank you, Elly. I have already mentioned initiatives like children being free food from the schools. Of course, each of us individually can make a difference by contributing to this noble cause.


Your feedback is always appreciated! Thank you!