
Friday, January 23, 2015

Shows that I'm currently hooked on

Castle- This is what I'm currently watching and I'm totally in love with Rick Castle. And yes, Kate Beckett is simply kick-ass! I love reading and watching characters who are writers. Just a fetish and this was one show that got my attention right from the pilot episode. What's not to love about a mystery and crime writer? Throw in action and real crime and the chemistry between Castle and Beckett- you have a winner. 

How I Met Your Mother- Started and ditched for Castle. I hope to go back and finish off this series though I have read all the spoilers and knows how it ends. I keep comparing it to FRIENDS in my head and ends up disappointed. Is it just me or is Ted Mosby actually quite annoying? The only characters I like so far are Lilly and Marshall. 

Grey's Anatomy- I was on a binge watching spree on Grey's Anatomy and was planted in front of my television for the latter part of 2014. That was how addictive it is. Meredith Grey- dark and twisty (I love and relate to that part, aren't we all a bit dark and twisty inside?), Christina Yang- passionate and committed and an amazing friend, Derek Shepherd- McDreamy (!), Miranda Bailey- the Nazi with a soft streak that surfaces rarely. I love them all!!! Never thought I would find medical drama as fascinating and GA kept me wanting more and more. I have finished all 10 seasons sadly. I do wish they had wound up the show while it was still good. Yang has left, so I don't think the next season is going to be all that great. But I shall end up watching it anyway. 

Linking this post to Write Tribe Pro Blogger Challenge


  1. :) watched castle and after 4-5 seasons somewhere I kind of forgot about it :D Was good in the start, a bit repetitive, but was decent... Grey's anatomy.. sth I should watch ab! currently watching white collar...dexter b khatam karna h :( :D

    1. True, Castle does get a bit dragging somewhere in the middle. I think you will love GA. The best part is you have a whole of 10 seasons out! Dexter was great. But I finished it long back :(

  2. Thank you! Welcome to my blog :)

  3. Personally, I was so disappointed by the ending of How I Met Your Mother. Of current TV, I enjoy a reality show (cable) called Pawn Stars - I love history and the historical objects brought into the pawn shop are of so much interest! Alana

  4. Castle - Check. (New Season in progress)
    HIMYM - Check.
    Grey's Anatomy - Check.

    Risk Castle is awesome, and so is Kate. The fun-loving duo just keel me intrigued to keep watching. Though, they messed up the ending for HIMYM, the remaining were nice. And I am currently watching like 10 other TV shows now. No, I don't have all the time in the world. But, they keep me awake all night. :P

    1. I agree. I just love Castle Beckett chemistry. Do feel free to recommend any other shows that you like :)

    2. a. Bones ( something like castle, but different kind)
      b. White Collar (Crime, Thriller, Police stuff )
      c. Scorpion (Thriller)
      d. Game of thrones (Fiction, great adaptation of the book)
      e. Person of interest (Crime, mystery , Police stuff)
      f. Gotham ( prequel of Batman, something like that when Batman was a kid)
      g. Forever
      h. Flash ( comic book adaptation )
      I. Arrow ( same as above, crime , mystery thriller)
      j. Suits
      k. Sherlock

      Umm, I'll update once I remember other names.

    3. Already have downloaded GOT, Suits and Sherlock. Shall check out the rest!! GOT I'm confused as to whether to read the book first or not. Been hearing mixed opinion.

  5. I too have watched these serials off and on. They are addictive no doubt. You might want to watch House, Bones and two broke girls. Good stuff.!

    1. I do watch Two broke girls! Shall check out the rest. Thanks!!

  6. I too have watched these serials off and on. They are addictive no doubt. You might want to watch House, Bones and two broke girls. Good stuff.!

  7. Castle - Still watch it when I can. The channel is right now cut from our D2H plan.
    HIMYM - Watched many seasons, lost track toward the end.
    Grey's Anatomy - I think I watched till the season after Lexie Grey's death. Then stopped.

    Good shows all, but Castle is the best. You could try Elementary and Scorpion, NCIS maybe? :)

    1. I shall try out the ones you told as well then! Been hearing a lot of good things about NCIS. Shall check out soon :)

  8. I have just finished with Castle :D And AWESOME!!! I love Castle :-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*:-*
    I havnt watched HIMYM at all and got bored of Grey's Anatomy :-/
    Try watching House MD and Monk... they are good too :)

    1. Castle is freaking AWESOME!!! Shall try House :) You got bored of GA? :O

    2. Yeah... It was all sob sob in the mid series, so I left it :-/

  9. Grey's anatomy is something that I have wanted to start on always! And HIMYM I loved it throughout but at the end they pissed me off like anything. But hey, opinions change. Castle is something I need to check out yet :)

    Great post!

    1. OMG. Watch Grey's Anatomy like right away!!! You have a whole of 10 seasons to catch up on. Shall keep you warm throughout the winter :) Yes, do check out Castle. You will like it.


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