
Sunday, January 11, 2015

Some Days

Image courtesy: Tumblr

There are days when hope whirs past me. I read. I think. I write. Most of the time, it hardly makes sense. And some days, when it all do. But strangely, those are days that I feel most content. Those are the days that I am me. 


  1. I'd say content days are even better than good ones, they show us the equilibrium of life :)

  2. I wish for such days but hardly find them. Lost in the pressures of work, if and when I get some time I feel blessed and content. And this tiny bouts of happiness is what I live for :)

  3. Your some day is my every day! I have chosen to enjoy the flowers as well as rotten eggs being sent my way!!! While no one around seems to make sense of my happiness in just reading and writing all day, i experience a peace and contentment that no job can give me :)

    1. Now that's certainly inspiring to hear! Thanks Vidya :)

  4. I have such days too...
    Short and sweet!

  5. I think I live in those days, the former mentioned, most of the time or may be everyday.

    Nicely written. :)

  6. Feeling of contentment is more important than anything else. Not many people feel content even if they have everything .

    1. I agree. Content days are definitely the better days!

  7. I think all those days, you are you only. But when it seems to work, you are more you than on the days it doesn't. Take each day as it comes. Push on past the days when nothing comes to mind :) So that the day when you write an awesome Aathira story/post comes. :D

  8. I love when you write so little, and it hits so much.

    And those days, really are the best, aren't they?


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