
Monday, April 6, 2015

E - Enchanted

Image courtesy: Google

The first time she held the book in her hand, she experienced a deep satisfaction, one so profound that it sent tingles of excitement along her spine. The book was old, its pages were sepia tinted as a result of lying unused for years. The cover was dusty as she spotted the book lying in a corner of the used bookstore she visited frequently.

She had discovered some masterpieces in this dingy room. She had found love, hope and ecstasy in those pages. It was here that her soul often found answers to those questions that plagued her life. Sometimes she discovered books on the front shelf, proudly displayed for the world to see. However, those truly priceless ones that were her pride and joy now were discovered in the dustiest corners of the shop. Hidden from plain view, these books awaited a new home, a new reader to whom it could reveal its secrets.

That was when how she unearthed this treasure. She held the book close to her chest, where the warmth from the book flowed to her beating heart. No matter what the price, she had to have it. She was enchanted by the power that was bestowed upon her.

The price she paid for the book was not much but its value was priceless. That night, as she sat by her desk, for the first time, instead of picking up a book to read, she picked up her pen. Flipping through the leather bound book, she felt a wide smile breaking on her face. The pages were blank. Picking up the book in the bookstore earlier that day, she knew that she was meant to fill in those pages. With stories, her stories. 

As she started writing the first line in it, she had no idea that it would quickly progress into a full length novel. Nor that it would fetch her immense recognition and popularity. All she knew right then was that giving a voice to the story in her head was all that mattered. And without a shadow of doubt in her mind, she began to write.

Linking this post to the A to Z Challenge


  1. Enchanting post indeed! I could so relate to the excitement of getting an new notebook to write one's first novel. I still remember it so well :D

    1. Thanks so much! I'm yet to reach the novel bit though :)

  2. Only book lovers can understand the enchantment in this post. I remember this Central Library I used to visit in Mangalore. There were rows and rows of dusty books and to search for the book I wanted to read, I had to remove each book and check it's cover since most of books were hard bound. I fell in love with books here :)

    1. We all have such a place from our childhoods, right? Where we fell in love with books at first sight! Thank you for sharing your thoughts :)

  3. Enchanting is the word :) hopefully one day, I will go through these emotions :P

  4. I just loved the picture you have put in.. Books are truly enchanting.. and so are your posts :)


    1. Thanks a ton, Geetika! So glad you are enjoying my posts :)

  5. Enchanting post Aathira :) I could experience the thrill she felt through your words :)


  6. what pretty little stories - i like the ending with promise of this one, really a beginning for so many writers! nice job!
    happy e day!

  7. What a wonderful - and enchanting - piece! A wonderful way to use today's A-Z prompt letter!

  8. I am enjoying your stories, and the picture you've used this time is just beautiful :) x

  9. Enchanting Post Aathira, Beautiful. Sometimes the power of oblivion is spell binding, cause you never know what is there in tomorrow. I also wrote something similar for my take with letter D, Dreams and Destiny. And for E brought me Embrace it.

  10. Enchanted!! Reminded me of Blossom (Cochin and Bangalore). This post oozes out inspiration in gallons!!! My favourite in the A to Z so far :)

    1. I did have Blossoms in mind while writing this ;) Thanks so much, Vidya!!

  11. So apt for you Aathira! Keep writing!!

  12. We all wish to feel that emotion one day, na? :D

  13. this reminded me of the movie 'The Book Thief' where the little girl Liesen receives a blank book from Max and fills in the pages... :) i love books, i love words...

    1. I'm yet to read that book. Your comment makes me want to pick it up right away! Thank you :)

  14. There's not a better way to send across the pleasure of writing, even more specific discovering the pleasure of writing.


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