
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

G - Gouri

Image courtesy: Google

I'm caught between the past and the present; a place that's between the earth and the heavens. I am Gouri. I can feel the wounds inflicted on my skin, the marks already wedged deep beneath my skin. The caked, dried blood on me reminds me that though I can't feel anything, I'm badly hurt. 

That's when I see him. My warrior. Fighting for my life and his. Even lying here I can't help but gaze at him. He wields his sword in quick, deft strikes, killing one opponent after another. His face is masked by the iron helmet he wears, leaving only his eyes unguarded. As soon as the last opponent falls down, he rushes to my side. 

"Gouri... Don't go. Stay with me..." His words are a soothing lullaby. I want to tell him to not to hold me so close, that it's hurting me, and him too from the pain in his voice. I can feel my eyes closing. I smile. I'm finally safe. He is here. 

"Gouri.. Gouri! Wake up!" I can hear a voice calling me from a place far away. 

I open my eyes. 

Standing by my bed with an exasperated sigh on her face, my mother tells me "It's past eight in the morning. You simply have to stay up late each night of the vacations, don't you!"

"Hurry up and get dressed. And come have your breakfast." Saying that she leaves the room. The smell of coffee lingers in the air in her wake. 

I'm harshly brought back  to reality. Had I simply dreamt it all? The remnants of the dream are quickly starting to evaporate like hot vapors. I can feel something twisting inside me. Why couldn't I have woken up after seeing his face? My warrior's. All I'm left with is a pair of kind brown eyes that had so much of love. So much of warmth in them. Strangely, they remind me of glowing embers. There was something else about him. Something that I had missed as I opened my eyes. Something that I couldn't put my finger on. Not yet. 

I will myself to fall back to sleep. But as always, it deludes me when I need it the most. Refusing me another step back into the dream. I finally give up and throw back the covers and get up. 

Looking in the bathroom mirror, I'm startled to see my bloodshot eyes. There are dried tear stains on my cheeks. My whole body aches. As I look down at the stabbing pain on my left arm, I'm shocked to see a thin trail of blood flow down my elbow. The wound is not deep, but sharp and thin enough to pierce my skin, as though made by the graze of something sharp, like a sword. 

I feel a chill go down my spine. What have I gotten myself into? 

To be continued... 

Linking this post to the A to Z Challenge


  1. Oh God!! I was so deep in to her story and now you have left me hanging! Do post the next part soon Aathira! Can't wait to find out what happens next :)

    God is a Gamer

    1. Thank you, Swathi! This was an impromptu post. I don't know if I shall be able to synchronize the rest of it with H tomorrow :) I shall post the next part soon though.

  2. Oh my god! how well you write! gripping, fast-paced and beautiful narrative! i guess I will have to come back to know what happens next!

    1. Thanks so much :) I hope I don't disappoint!

  3. Oh this is intriguing. Can't wait to read the next part.

  4. wait what!! that's quite a cliffhanger... waiting to read the next part :)

    1. Hehe ;) Thank you Raj! I shall post the next part soon :)

  5. Wow...I also started a story in parts today. :D We do think alike Aathira.
    Waiting to hear more from Gauri.

    1. Great minds do think alike ;) Thanks Preethi!

  6. Intriguing. Can't wait to know Gouri's story.

    1. Thanks so much, Vinitha :) I shall write the rest soon.

  7. This was marvelous! I want more... your words gave me goosebumps!!

  8. looking forward to what follows.

    you got me intrigued!

    (Keep writing)


    1. Thanks a lot! I shall post the rest soon :)

  9. Oh my God..!! what's next, I can't wait..
    beautiful piece of writing it is Aathira :)


    1. Wait a little while longer :) Thank you, Geetika!

  10. Loved the start.... interesting.. what's next now?

    1. Thanks Sheethal :) I'm working out the rest!

  11. Gripping! Dreams as real as reality!! I'm waiting for the next :) You know, sometimes I sometimes have very emotional dreams that leave me crying. When I wake up I find my pillow wet!!

    1. I agree. I have those dreams too :) Thanks Vidya!

  12. Oh god! I was thinking it'd be an epic love story but this one brought me the chills.

    1. Maybe it shall be. You never know ;) Thanks K!

  13. Finally a series from you!! Yayyyyyyy :D

    Also I think you meant "wields" instead of yields in this line "He yields his sword" :)

    1. Thanks Love :) Wanted to try my hand at something out of my comfort zone.

      And you are right. Thanks for pointing that out. I shall correct it right away!

  14. I am intrigued. I want to know what happens, now!

    1. Do come back to know the rest :) Thank you!

  15. OMG! I forgot that i am reading a short story and got a shock when it ended. I hope you are going to continue Aathira. Dying to meet the guy from the dream

    1. Thanks so much, Sundari :) Wait for the guy from the dream!

  16. OMG! I forgot that i am reading a short story and got a shock when it ended. I hope you are going to continue Aathira. Dying to meet the guy from the dream

  17. I missed a few posts from you blog and and now I can read them continuously :) Loving the story. I wonder how Gouri was injured.

    1. Thanks so much! All I can say is wait and watch ;)

  18. hmm! No Wonder the Little Princess had praises about your writing. Definitely gripping entwined with suspense. Loved it.. So when is the next concluding part? Waiting..

    1. Thanks so much, Ajay! Watch this space for the rest :)

  19. Ooh, chilling!!! What happens next?

    1. Bear with me as I continue to write the story :)

  20. oh my... it gave me chills too.. i felt as if I was Gouri.. amazing narrative,... do continue... :)


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