
Sunday, August 2, 2015

Hello there, August!

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How fast time flies! Seems like only yesterday that I was here writing 26 posts for the A to Z challenge for April and now it's August already. The past couple of months I have been on the lazy side and not much writing or anything else got done for that matter. I did, however, catch up on my reading and read some pretty great books though. Love in the time of Cholera must definitely top the list so far. I have been meaning to do a post on it and have been procrastinating for quite a while now. I should get cracking on that soon. 

Speaking of August, it's my favorite month of the year. Yes, it's my birthday month :) I still feel like a little girl when it comes to August, counting the days to go for my birthday. Birthdays means cake and gifts- some of the most wonderful things in life. I know that age is just another number, so I'm trying not to freak out by the fact that I'm turning 27 in exactly a week's time. It's nearing the dreaded 30, but I'm so proud of myself for the woman that I'm turning into with each passing year. Have I turned wiser? I don't know. Am I happy? Yes, for the first time in years, I have finally learnt to put my happiness first and turning a deaf year towards what people are telling me about what should be making me happy. 

You live only once and each moment should count. What shouldn't matter are back stabbing and fake people. I'm so over them. I was so obsessed with pleasing people in the past that it took me time to realize that all the people pleasing was making me one miserable person. I have said goodbye to all the fakeness in the world for now. I don't mind broken souls, as long as they are honest. Speaking of broken, who isn't? I'm broken myself and healing. I'm not there yet but I should be there soon.  

So, what are your plans for August? I'm so glad that I'm sharing my birthday month with some of my favorite people from the blogging world and outside. Happy Birthday, guys! And today being friendship day, wishing you all a very happy Friendship day too! August, please be kind and last a bit longer. Let me enjoy you for now :) Happy birthday to me!


  1. Well, an advance happy birthday, Aathira. May you continue to live your life the way YOU see fit :)

  2. A very crisp and from the heart frank outburst of feelings ! Good. Well written , short and sweet. A Very Happy Birthday to you, Aathira, have a Great Day, enjoy your Birthday and every day thereafter. God Bless You, Aathira, God bless you always.
    I do not share this month for my birthday, it is next month some where past the middle of the month, but near the middle towards the end. But all the same August can be remembered and will be remembered as Aathira's birth month. Yes, you are growing up, mellowing in your thoughts and words. And that is good for you.

    1. Thanks a lot for your kind words, Mr Parsa! I truly feel blessed. Wishing you an advanced birthday too :)

  3. Hahaha, despite all the enthu, you DO sound wiser :) Birthday months are always special no? :)

    1. Do I? Thanks Love! You bet. I still count the days to go for my birthday :D

  4. Happy Birthday, Aathira. And guess what, it's my birthday tomorrow. :)

    1. Thank you, Vinitha! Hope you had a fabulous one :)

  5. Happy Birthday, Aathira. And guess what, it's my birthday tomorrow. :)

  6. Happy happy birthday month, Aathira! :)

  7. August is my birthday month too and I too look forward to it with child like enthusiasm. I will turn 28 (born in 88) and as excited as I am I dont want to grow old too :P. But that will happen no matter what.

    1. So many bloggers celebrating birthday this month huh? :) I was born in 88 too! Hey, then you should be turning only 27 right? And don't worry. You are not alone in that matter!

  8. Nailed it :) the best part about your writing is that it is just so simple yet so very heartfelt :) it was great to read your blog after such a long time


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